Alaska institutions and businesses reckon with impacts of wide-ranging cloud software glitch

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Across the country, the faulty software update disrupted health care providers, airlines and banks, among others.

911 services across Alaska are back up and running after a software update from the popular cloud security provider CrowdStrike caused chaos andAlaska State Troopers reported late Thursday night that the outage had disrupted operations at “many” emergency and non-emergency call centers around the state. State troopers said 911 services across the state were

“While we have organized an incident command to urgently restore all systems at the Alaska Native Medical Center and campus-wide, our emergency services and specialty clinics remain open,” Shea Siegert of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium said in an emailed statement. “Patients needing healthcare can absolutely come to the hospital or clinic for care.

Erin Hardin, a spokesperson for Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau, said the outage’s impact on their operations was limited, and that patients should not expect disruptions.


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