Stroop-CN: A rapid diagnostic tool for minimal hepatic encephalopathy

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Cirrhosis News

Encephalopathy,Hepatic Encephalopathy,Diagnostic

This study is led by Dr. Xiaolong Qi (Center of Portal Hypertension, Department of Radiology, Zhongda Hospital, Medical School, Southeast University, Nurturing Center of Jiangsu Province for State Laboratory of AI Imaging & Interventional Radiology) and Dr.

Sichuan International Medical Exchange and Promotion AssociationJul 19 2024 This study is led by Dr. Xiaolong Qi and Dr. Junliang Fu . Based on a nationwide, multicenter study, the team presented a diagnosis model named Stroop-CN. Through their model, minimal hepatic encephalopathy could be confirmed in 10 min.

In this study, they chose to synchronize the results of a large-scale collection of healthy controls to create the "Stroop-CN" model. Based on this model, information such as the age of the subjects was submitted to help determine whether the patient's cognitive level was lower than that of their healthy counterparts. On the other hand, the corresponding time, financial, and workload burdens must also be considered.

Dr. Xiaolong Qi, Center of Portal Hypertension, Department of Radiology, Zhongda Hospital, Medical School, Southeast University, Nurturing Center of Jiangsu Province for State Laboratory of AI Imaging & Interventional Radiology


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