Respawn is walking back its unpopular changes to the Apex Legends battle pass

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Apex Legends News

Respawn Entertainment,Battle Pass

Anna has been a freelance writer for more than a decade. In that time, she's covered everything from electronics to esports, from marketing to magic. Her tech and entertainment reporting has appeared on Ars Technica, Mashable, Digital Trends, and more. She especially loves playing, making, and geeking out over video games.

. The developer drew player outrage and a sweep of review-bombing earlier this month after it announced a new approach to the game's reward was that players would no longer be able to use in-game currency to access an upgraded version of the battle pass. People earn Apex Coins by playing, and under the original model, serious fans could easily earn enough over the course of one battle pass to pay for the next season's.

Today, Respawn said it would return the option to pay 950 Apex Coins to unlock the Premium battle pass tier. And with 1,300 Apex Coins available at that tier, this segment of the battle pass experience has mostly reverted to the old model. Players will be able to unlock the premium version by completing some"simple in-game challenges" at the start of Season 22, Split 1 on August 6. After that, beginning on September 17 with the season's Split 2, the new/old model will take effect.

Battle passes have become de rigueur for the games-as-a-service industry. It's proven to be one of the most successful options for generating the revenue to fund creating more content while still offering players value. But once an approach has been laid out, studios may have a hard time convincing players to adapt to changes. In fact, this isn't the first time the.


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