Manhattan Associates CEO talks Q2 beat, AI plans

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Market Domination News

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Manhattan Associates (MANH) stock soared after the company surpassed second-quarter earnings expectations, beating estimates on both revenue and profit...

) stock soared after the company surpassed second-quarter earnings expectations, beating estimates on both revenue and profit. Manhattan Associates CEO Eddie Capel joins Market Domination to discuss the results.

And, uh, and that diversification Eddie I, uh I wanted to take a bigger trend we've been discussing today on the show.And there's some strategies, Eddie, you were kind of bringing up the A I theme today and and just wondering whether investors are rethinking that theme. But we are taking a pragmatic approach to releasing capabilities that we think our customers will really be able to to use.

Um, we just did our Yahoo Finance chart book and one of the charts we got from Bank of America had to do with the days per sales of inventory and that there was sort of a destocking cycle that now is normalising again, all the way on the right side of this chart.I guess I wanted to ask you post pandemic with the whip sawing that we've seen in supply chains and inventory where we are now on that normalisation process.Um, and we are, and we are normalising.


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