South Bay businesses, gov't agencies impacted by global software glitch

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Technology News

Silicon Valley Tech,News,Us

Silicon Valley businesses and government agencies impacted by global tech glitch that impacted Microsoft software.

The global tech outage wreaked havoc at the end of the work week. From air travel to stock prices on Wall Street to the mood on Main Street, all indicators were pointed in a downward direction.CrowdStrike’s stock has lost some of its value, down a little over 11% at the closing bell on Wall Street. But that close doesn’t end the mad scramble happening here and around the globe, to assess the damage.

Robert Chapman Wood, a professor of strategic management at San Jose State University. "I’m sure there are lots of companies in Silicon Valley where people are not working today because of this problem."Santa Clara County Superior Court operations were slowed, but officials said their IT team worked to allow cases to continue without a hitch.Businesses with multiple offices in other locations were better able to weather the global storm, according to some experts.


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