Lambo Urus Driver Learns You Can’t Outrun A Helicopter

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Accidents News

Canada,Lamborghini,Lamborghini Urus

A police helicopter kept a close eye on the Lamborghini's occupants using night vision technology

The driver of the Italian SUV was driving at speeds of over 124 mph . A police helicopter kept a close eye on him trying to evade capture. Authorities have charged a 21-year-old and a 22-year-old. The driver of a Lamborghini Urus in Canada has discovered first-hand that no matter how quick your car may be, successfully eluding police is extremely difficult. Nevertheless, the driver remained committed to the cause, even after one of the tires of the super SUV blew out.

After hitting an unspecified tire deflation device, one of the front tires blew, and with a police helicopter in pursuit, it can be seen spinning off the wheel and rolling down the road. The Urus lost its tire at approximately 85 mph , but despite that, the driver kept on driving, spewing out plums of sparks along the way. After driving on the rim for over 15 minutes, the reckless driver and passengers pulled into a parking lot alongside a silver SUV.


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