New Projects Aim To Pioneer the Future of Neuroscience

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Science, Space and Technology News 2024

The OpenScope program by the Allen Institute provides a global platform for neuroscience research, focusing on how the brain processes everything from everyday visuals to psychedelic experiences. This initiative fosters international collaboration, utilizing advanced observatory resources to delve into fundamental neural activities and perceptions. Neuropixels probes as part of the Allen Brain Observatory pipeline.

Now in its 6th year, OpenScope aims to “pioneer a new model in neuroscience,” said Jérôme Lecoq, Ph.D., associate investigator at the Allen Institute. “Our interest in these compounds goes beyond their potential clinical applications,” said Roberto de Filippo, Ph.D., a postdoc at Humboldt University of Berlin. “We believe that uncovering the biological mechanisms underlying their effects can provide fundamental insights into the processes that govern perception, cognition, and consciousness itself.”How the past subtly shapes our worldview

“We want to understand how such memories influence the perception of real-world visuals and what role different brain areas play in this process,” said Yaniv Ziv, Ph.D., professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science. “By understanding this, we aim to uncover whether these memories influence how flexible or rigid our visual processing is.


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