Padi farmers struggling amid water crisis in Perlis

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(Reuters) - ChatGPT maker OpenAI is in discussion with chip designers, including Broadcom, about developing a new artificial intelligence chip, the Information reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the matter.

Worrying sight: An aerial view of the almost dried up Bukit Merah Dam in Kerian. — Photo from the Irrigation and Drainage Department

“Farmers who began planting in June and haven’t seen any rain are struggling. We can’t even use fertilisers because there’s no water,” he said. While dams in Kedah and Penang still have enough water for domestic and agricultural use, the Timah Tasoh Dam in northern Perlis has reached a critical level, dropping to 26.98m from its normal level of 29.10m. This drastic decrease has severely impacted water supply for irrigating padi farms.

Farmers especially those in Kuala Nerang, Padang Terap, Pendang and Baling rely mainly on favourable weather for a successful padi planting season. Efforts to tap water from the nearby Sungai Tekai, he added, have been futile as the river has been dry for months.Mada chairman Datuk Dr Ismail Salleh said levels of reservoirs managed by Mada are sufficient to meet the needs for padi cultivation and domestic use.


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