Google’s Gemini AI will be all over the Paris Olympics broadcast

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Expect to see a heavy dose of promos for Google’s AI features, including Gemini, in NBC’s Paris Olympic Games coverage.

Google has bought itself the title of “official AI sponsor for Team USA,” and when the 2024 Olympics broadcast starts on July 26th, you will be reminded of that frequently.

Universal’s partnership with Google will put many of the company’s AI-powered features front and center during the event. The broadcast will include Google Maps’ 3D views of venues like the Versailles, Stade Roland Garros, and the Aquatics Centre, as well as tidbits about what events will occur at each location. The imagery pulls from the Immersive Views added to Maps over the last few years that represent certain landmarks and areas of interest with photorealistic models.

Universal, is also an investor in Vox Media, The Verge’s parent company.


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