Apple at Work's popular video series 'The Underdogs' is back with a new episode

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Alan, an ardent smartphone enthusiast and a veteran writer at PhoneArena since 2009, has witnessed and chronicled the transformative years of mobile technology. Owning iconic phones from the original iPhone to the iPhone 15 Pro Max, he has seen smartphones evolve into a global phenomenon.

I'll admit it. I'm a huge fan of Apple at Work's "The Underdogs" series which follows a rag-tag group of employees who use nothing butproducts. Yeah, the videos are heavy-handed promos for products like the iPhone, the iPad, and Macs and show how some features on these devices come in handy at work. At the end of each video, along with the credits, Apple names each Apple device in the video and the features that were employed by the team..

Chad wants 500,000 boxes and as"The Underdogs" biggest client, the survival of their company depends on finding a company in Thailand to deliver the goods. We get to see the NameDrop feature, added into exchange contact info by tapping iPhones, and Apple's Translate app in action. The team is able to source the boxes. After celebrating, panic sets in when the client decides to double the order and demands a bigger picture of himself on the boxes.

Only one factory, 200 miles away, can supply the team with the new quantity demanded by Chad. They find someone to drive them and with Brian using hisback at home, the team works out the new design as they take different modes of transportation to the factory. Marie is able to produce a bigger photo of Chad for the box using AI . Finally, the prototype of the box is produced and is approved by the client. At this point, we discover that all of this madness was for a kitty litter box.

Beyond smartphones, Alan has covered the emergence of tablets, smartwatches, and smart speakers.A discussion is a place, where people can voice their opinion, no matter if it is positive, neutral or negative. However, when posting, one must stay true to the topic, and not just share some random thoughts, which are not directly related to the matter.Multiple accounts - one person can have only one accountModeration is done by humans.


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