LANDR’s ‘Fair Trade AI’ Program Lets Musicians Earn Money by Contributing to AI Training

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LANDR's new Fair Trade AI program lets musicians earn money by contributing to an AI training dataset.

AI-focused music production, distribution and education platform LANDR has devised a new way for musicians to capitalize on the incoming AI age with consent and compensation in mind. With its new Fair Trade AI program, any musician who wishes to join can be part of this growing pool of songs that will be used to train LANDR’s various AI models, tools or systems.

While any musician is able to submit their music, LANDR reserves the right to curate the tracks added to the dataset, and every track submitted must be done by a musician who owns their full publishing rights. Musicians that use LANDR’s distribution services can opt-in to the Fair Trade AI program especially quickly by simply checking a box as they go through the steps of releasing their music.


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