The underrepresentation of African Americans in the tech industry with David Lee

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David Lee News

In Black America,John L. Hanson Jr.,On The Corner Media Group

John L. Hanson Jr. and the president of On The Corner Media Group discuss what can be done to close the talent gap in the multi-trillion industry.

Lee spent two decades as a software engineer before focusing his work on advocating for diversity in the tech industry.

On this edition of In Black America, producer/host John L. Hanson Jr. speaks with David Lee, chief evangelist, and visionary for Tech diversity; co-founder and president of On The Corner Media Group, and author of According to research, Only 8% out of 9.2 million technology workers and 3% of executives in the U.S. tech industry were cited as African American. These findings reveal much work needs to be done to improve areas like hiring, recruitment, retention, and providing more resources to help African Americans close the talent gap in the multi-trillion industry.John L. Hanson is the producer and host of the nationally syndicated radio series In Black America. It’s heard on home station KUT at 10 p.m.


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