How people are being tricked by deepfake doctor videos on social media

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Health News

Lifestyle,Tech,Artificial Intelligence

Deepfaking is using artificial intelligence to create sophisticated digital fabrications of real people.

Some of the UK’s most famous TV doctors are increasingly seeing their names and likenesses co-opted to sell scam products to unsuspecting social media users,, a person’s head may be superimposed onto another person’s body, or their voice may be replicated in a convincing way.

Jones, 71, who is known for his work on “Good Morning Britain,” among other TV shows, said he employs a social media specialist to forage the web for deepfake videos that misrepresent his views and tries to get them taken down. “There’s been a big increase in this kind of activity,” Jones shared. “Even if they’re taken down, they just pop up the next day under a different name.”It may be even more difficult if the video features a trusted medical professional who has long appeared in the media.John Cormack, a retired UK doctor, worked with the BMJ to try to get a sense of how widespread the deepfake doctor phenomenon is across social media.

“We don’t permit content that intentionally deceives or seeks to defraud others, and we’re constantly working to improve detection and enforcement,” the spokesperson said. “We encourage anyone who sees content that might violate our policies to report it so we can investigate and act.

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