Grayscale launches new fund for decentralized artificial intelligence

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Decentralized AI News

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The fund will finance three key areas: AI services, addressing problems related to centralize AI use and developing AI-related infrastructure.

The Grayscale Decentralized AI Fund LLC, which will rebalance quarterly, aims to bolster investment endeavors regarding AI in the cryptocurrency industry, according to a release shared with The Block. Decentralized AI projects already included in the fund's basket as of today's launch are Bittensor , Filecoin , Livepeer , Near , and Render . Near, Filecoin and Render are, respectively, the top-weighted assets in the fund.

“The rise of disruptive technologies has created compelling opportunities for Grayscale’s investors since our 2013 inception, and we believe the launch of the Grayscale Decentralized AI Fund provides an opportunity to invest in Decentralized AI at its earliest phase," said Rayhaneh Sharif-Askary, Grayscale’s head of product and research, in a statement.


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