‘Big Brother’ Season 26 Will Feature Artificial Intelligence Theme

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Today News

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Ariana Brockington is a trending news reporter at TODAY digital. She is based in Los Angeles.

We are about a week away from the event of the summer that reality television fans anxiously await — the return of “Big Brother.” The CBS competition show’s 26th season arrives on Wednesday, July 17, and host Julie Chen Moonves has been getting fans excited by teasing the season’s theme — which impacts the twists, competitions and evictions each year.

“From summer camp, to tech, to the multiverse, BIG BROTHER loves to put a twist on topical and pop culture themes,” the show’s executive producers Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan said in the press release. They predicted the AI theme will “bring the fun, the comedy and the unexpected game play” to the season.


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