NSW Police given more than $37 million for building and technology upgrades

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The funds will go towards improving station facilities and forensic capabilities.

NSW Police will be given more than $37 million in the state budget to improve station facilities and forensic capabilities.Waverley Police Station has been allocated $18.2 million, which will expand office space and upgrade equipment rooms and custody facilities.The station is nearly 50 years old and some facilities have not been updated in that time.

"On any given day you might see 100 officers moving through this place ... we need a building here that is fit for purpose and will meet the needs of this very busy police station." The funding will help with telecommunication interceptions, digital forensics like accessing data from serious offender's devices, forensic consumables to identify offenders through DNA testing and Forensic Genetic Genealogy, which uses DNA to identify suspects and missing persons.NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb.


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