Truth Social stock: Former President Trump's media company begins trading on Nasdaq

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Trading in former President Trump's Trump Media & Technology Group, the parent of Truth Social, began on the Nasdaq Tuesday morning after last week's merger vote.

Peter CharalambousThe price of DJT, former President Donald Trump's media company and parent of Truth Social, was $70 Tuesday morning, as it began trading.Trading in Trump Media & Technology Group -- which uses the ticker symbol DJT -- began on the Nasdaq Tuesday morning after last week'sThe company's market capitalization is approximately $2.7 billion.

"Truth Social is doing very well. It's hot as a pistol and doing great," Trump told reporters in New York on Monday. "As a public company, we will passionately pursue our vision to build a movement to reclaim the Internet from Big Tech censors," Nunes said Monday. "We will continue to fulfill our commitment to Americans to serve as a safe harbor for free expression and to stand up to the ever-growing army of speech suppressors."


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