The Bizarre TikTok NPC Livestream Trend—Where Creators Act Like Robots—Explained

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Creators like Pinkydoll are captivating the internet by acting like robots on TikTok livestreams, reacting in real time to cartoon gifts users send them.

of Pinkydoll, known for her hours-long livestreams, counting down and telling a child to go to bed while on live, has more than 230,000 likes.

The influx of tips for these creators can lead to a big payday: Pinkydoll, who has nearly 500,000 followers, toldshe spends at least six hours per day on TikTok making NPC content and can make $7,000 a day or more through her livestreams, up significantly from when she would make about $250 per day when she started her livestreams.

Some content creators not originally known for NPC livestreams have joined in on the trend, like social media celebrity Trisha Paytas, whoMany reactions to NPC livestreams on social media have pointed out how bizarre, yet fascinating, the trend is: “Feeling my brain reconfigure after I watch this for the 30th time,” one userMuch of Pinkydoll’s recent viral attention has been on Twitter, where many users have noted how strange the trend is: “i’ve never been more confused in my entire life dawg…”...


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