Flutterwave launches 'Tuition' to enable Nigerians, African students abroad pay school fees with local currency

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Technology Technology Headlines News

Technology Technology Latest News,Technology Technology Headlines

Flutterwave, Africa's leading payments technology company, has launched Tuition, a new payment product, to allow African users to conveniently pay various fees to educational institutions within Africa and overseas using their local currencies. The educational institutions available on Tuition include high schools, universities, colleges and some global edutech platforms.

Flutterwave launches ‘Tuition’ to enable Nigerians, African students abroad pay school fees with local currencyFlutterwave, Africa’s leading payments technology company, has launched Tuition, a new payment product, to allow African users to conveniently pay various fees to educational institutions within Africa and overseas using their local currencies. The educational institutions available on Tuition include high schools, universities, colleges and some global edutech platforms.

It has been reported that African payments to overseas schools have been hindered by a myriad of challenges. From the high cost of transactions, limited access to banking services, lack of transparency, security concerns, and currency exchange rates, Africans have faced difficulties in ensuring that their funds are disbursed within the shortest time possible to overseas financial institutions.


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