Khuli Chana graduates: 'This is only the beginning'

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Khuli went back to 'school' after 10 years and all his hard work has officially paid off. ECREntertainment KhuliChana

Khuli and Lamiez and building an empire together. When he is not making music, Khuli is running several business ventures.

He owns My Throne Records and Khuli Chana Studios - a content creation hub for creatives. Lamiez has been by his side at just about every one of his business events.commentedThe couple will be welcoming a new addition to the family in 2023. Lamiez revealed she is expecting a baby boy in November last year.

"This is the happiest day of my life. Happy Anniversary Mme Morule. You are already an Amazing Mom @lamiez_holworthy and our little guy is blessed to have you," Khuli wrote on Instagram.


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