Bill proposed to regulate facial recognition technology in policing

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A bill to regulate the use of facial recognition technology for law enforcement purposes in California was introduced Wednesday by Assemblymember Phil Ting, D-San Francisco.

The bill, Assembly Bill 642, would set statewide standards around the use of the technology aimed at protecting privacy and due process rights while acknowledging its use as a law enforcement tool.

The bill would prohibit a match from facial recognition technology from being used as the sole reason for an arrest, search, or affidavit when seeking a warrant. It would codify a 98 percent level of accuracy for a match as the bar for use of the technology. It also restricts its use if it would prevent someone from exercising constitutional rights such as freedom of assembly.

Abdul Pridgen, a representative for the California Police Chiefs Association, said that facial recognition technology has an unprecedented ability to assist law enforcement in multiple ways.


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if you didn't have these sub groups stealing from black Americans, like you liberal are doing it would be ok, what do we suppose to do, like in our cars, and let them live in all our housing, somebody in mentally ill, and it has nothing to do with drugs {historical}

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