California bill would regulate police use of facial recognition technology in body cams

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Technology Technology Headlines News

Technology Technology Latest News,Technology Technology Headlines

Assemblyman Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) has introduced a new bill to set parameters for how and when California law enforcement officers can use facial recognition technology in body cameras.

Assemblyman Phil Ting has introduced a new bill to set parameters for how and when California law enforcement can use facial recognition technology in body cameras.A California assemblyman introduced a new bill to set parameters for how and when law enforcement officers can use facial recognition technology in body cameras.

Currently, there are no statewide restrictions on facial recognition technology, because Ting’s previous bill sunset in January of this year. Signed in 2019, the bill placed a three-year-ban on the technology."Across the country, real world examples of law enforcement using facial recognition technology to solve major crimes showcases just how important this technology can be towards protecting our communities," said San Leandro police Chief Abdul Pridgen.Ting and state Sen.

If passed the bill would prohibit the use of facial matches as the only reason for arrest or search, block the use of manually produced images, and prohibit use on the basis of a person's race, gender or religion.


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How often facial recognition should be used by the government: Never.

Ting is a clown who is a fraud with criminal staff.

Seems like the right ting to do

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