Australia to buy up to five Virginia class subs as part of AUKUS

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AUKUS will have multiple stages with at least one US submarine visiting Australian ports in the coming years and end in the late 2030s with a new class of submarines being built with British designs and American technology.

n the 2030s as part of a landmark defence agreement between Washington, Canberra and London, four US officials said on Wednesday .

Australia’s new fleet of nuclear-powered submarines will be based on a modified British design with US parts and upgrades, people familiar with the matter said.San Diego next week t Next week’s announcement marks a milestone in the 18-month-old agreement, which is intended to counter growing Chinese naval might in the Asia-Pacific region. The agreement, signed in September 2021, involves the three nations sharing classified military capabilities to allow Australia to construct and deploy nuclear-powered submarines.


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When you say visiting, do you mean 'official visit' or 'they are here every other week visit'.

The drive for inclusion is a recipe for disaster. Quite apart from whether we should have them at all, mix-n-match in defence projects rarely works. submarines AUKUS

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