Warren, Sanders Want to Ban Racist Facial Recognition Tools From Government Use

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Democrats and progressives in Congress reintroduced a bill that would ban the government from using facial recognition technology as increasing surveillance and police violence pose a threat to marginalized communities.

“The year is 2023, but we are living through 1984. The continued proliferation of surveillance tools like facial recognition technologies in our society is deeply disturbing,” Markey said in a statement. “Biometric data collection poses serious risks of privacy invasion and discrimination, and Americans know they should not have to forgo personal privacy for safety.

Government use of facial recognition technology is especially insidious because police and prosecutors are allowedit in many parts of the U.S. This can often make the use of such technology difficult to defend against in criminal cases, defenders say, while giving police a justification to go after non-white people that the technology has labeled criminals, regardless of whether the designation is accurate.


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