FBI Tested 'Truly Unconstrained' Facial Recognition Software on Americans

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New documents reveal that the FBI has been testing AI facial recognition software on Americans for almost a decade.

, thousands of pages of internal documents show how closely the FBI and Defense officials worked with academic researchers to refine AI techniques that could help in the identification or tracking of Americans without their awareness or consent.

The advanced technology would be able to quickly detect and accurately process face imagery recorded by surveillance cameras in public places and detect targets from up to 1,000 meters away. Funded by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is a high-level research arm of the U.S. intelligence community, the Janus program dates back to 2014. It was set up with the goal of “radically expanding the scenarios in which automated face recognition can establish identity.”, the internal documents were unveiled in the American Civil Liberties Union’s ongoing lawsuit against various U.S. agencies over its secretive use of facial recognition technology.


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The FBI Tested Facial Recognition Software on Americans for YearsNewly unearthed papers show federal agencies testing facial recognition tools in subway cameras, street corners, and other public spaces. This is just all so gross. If you think video saves you and keeps you safe, you’re a rube. A giant rube. Facists are spying on Americans everyday as it is. Now another method. When does it end? Where is privacy in all this. Wear masks!
Source: Gizmodo - 🏆 556. / 51 Read more »