As Tesla Sales Tank, Elon Musk Issues Unconvincing Denial That He's Giving Donald Trump $45 Million Per Month

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Elon Musk has denied reports that he's donating $45 million a month to support Donald Trump's presidential campaign — but given the fishy timing and his evolving explanation, we're not convinced.with the popular far-right commentator — and fellow culture warrior — Jordan Peterson. "I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump."

Instead, Musk attempted to clarify, he helped create a Super PAC, or political action committee, called The America PAC, which supports Trump and other right-wing candidates. "The intent is to promote the principles that made America great in the first place," Musk said. He didn't discuss his personal contributions to the America PAC.Musk may be denying the donation reports, but his support of Trump is a matter of record.

Super PACs are allowed to raise unlimited amounts of money, providing a lucrative workaround to restrictions that cap direct donations to a campaign. AccordingWhen the report came out, there was a lot of optimism over Trump's odds of victory, but the mood has quickly shifted since then: Vice Presidenthas become the Democratic Party's frontrunner for the Presidency, bringing a surge of liberal enthusiasm that suddenly made Trump's campaign seem more precarious.


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