China Detects Water in Samples It Collected From the Moon

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The lunar surface is practically teeming with water molecules.Moon WaterWhile NASA already announced the discovery of water on the Moon's sunlit areas back in 2020, the new research suggests that water can take on even more forms than previously thought on the lunar surface., the samples "revealed the presence of trace water," tantalizing evidence that "water molecules can persist in sunlit areas of the moon in the form of hydrated salts.

It landed on the northern edge of the Oceanus Procellarum, a massive basin on the western edge of the near side of the Moon. The samples it took are from a "much higher latitude" than those collected by NASA in the 60s and had detected water molecules in a crater found in the Moon's southern hemisphere, using data collected by its Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy , a modified Boeing 747 jumbo jet turned airborne astronomy lab.

As we continue to find fresh evidence of water on the surface of the Moon, world powers including China, the US, and Russia, are gearing up to establish a more permanent presence there. While NASA is planning to return the first human astronauts to the lunar surface since the Apollo 17 mission over half a century ago, China is making major strides as well, setting the stage for a lunar space race.


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