Beware the artificial intelligence trap Big Tech is setting

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Canadian News News

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The most common generative AI solutions used personally, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, are presented as free or at low cost to the consumer

Neil Desai is an executive and board member in the technology sector and previously served in senior roles with the government of Canada.Bank of Canada sounded the alarm on our meagre labour productivity and low levels of business investment.

This is understandable given that the most common generative AI solutions used personally, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, are presented as free to individuals. They are, in fact, costly for the proponents, for whom it’s a worthwhile trade-off. The AI companies are making companies gradually comfortable with adopting the new technology and training large models that generative AI is dependent on.own a large share of the AI processing power, have to make large investments to keep up with global demand.

Imagine a hypothetical health diagnostics company that wants to use generative AI to help clinicians better diagnose patients for rare diseases. They build their application on top of Google Cloud using their generative AI solution, Gemini, because they offer the best deal: $50 per unit of data on a three-year contract.

Our country represents an untapped market for the hyperscalers given our productivity woes and low AI adoption levels.reported that almost three in four Canadian businesses have not considered using generative AI.


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