Artificial Intelligence Is Sparking a Copper Boom in Zambia

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Zambia News


Zambia is poised to become a major player in the global copper market thanks to a massive new discovery aided by AI technology.

Zambia is attracting the attention of the world’s energy and mining companies as it shows significant potential for critical mineral extraction. Innovative technologies have helped uncover massive deposits of copper in Zambia, which could help massively expand the country’s mining industry over the next decade. This discovery could help provide the resources needed for the massive clean tech pipeline and make Zambia a critical minerals hub for years to come.

New exploration technologies are helping mining companies improve their prospects, advancing exploration practices that have remained relatively unchanged over the last century. In addition, as the U.S. is concerned about its heavy reliance on China for critical minerals, new technologies could help American companies boost their mining capacity and ensure the country’s energy security.


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