Chinese military AI in focus as lawmaker sounds alarm on threat from rifle-wielding 'robot-dogs'

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An amendment to the 2025 NDAA from Florida Congressman Vern Buchanan focuses on the threat from Chinese military AI robot-dogs that can wield rifles.

A Republican lawmaker is sounding the alarm on the latest threat from China – rifle-toting AI robot dogs. A Chinese state media video, screenshots of which were published by the Military Times, showed that country's military displaying dog-like robots toting rifles during joint drills in Cambodia. The AI dogs weigh 110 pounds and can carry and fire automatic rifles autonomously, according to the outlet.

Buchanan said the U.S. has experimented with such similar robotic dogs in the past, but China affixing weapons to them and showing them off via military exercises is worrisome. ' should make everyone take notice and ensure our military is staying one step ahead of them at every turn,' he said. When asked whether the Democratic-led Senate is likely to strip the provision from its draft for the final compromise legislation, Buchanan said he had no reason to believe so.


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