Innovation Saskatchewan funds $600,000 NASA mission

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Satellite Mission,Canada,Education

The mission consists of three satellite instruments, according to the province, two of which are designed by the University of Saskatchewan.

The mission consists of three satellite instruments, according to the province, two of which are designed by the University of Saskatchewan, including a satellite imager for aerosol profiling and an imager for water vapour. .The project will support the HAWC mission, looking at high-altitude aerosol, water vapour and clouds and help develop instruments that will improve extreme weather prediction, climate modelling and disaster modelling.

“The HAWC mission represents a monumental opportunity for Saskatchewan in expanding its expertise in cutting-edge space and satellite research and development and elevate the province’s reputation as a leader in aerospace technology,” Minister Responsible for Innovation Saskatchewan Jeremy Harrison said.“The economic, advanced training and employment opportunities created through this project will provide a tremendous benefit to Saskatchewan people.

The mission consists of three satellite instruments, according to the province, two of which are designed by the University of Saskatchewan, including a satellite imager for aerosol profiling and an imager for water vapour.on a global scale,” University of Saskatchewan president Peter Stoicheff said.


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