Stable Diffusion 3 AI Makes Eldritch Body Horror Abominations

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Stable Diffusion 3 Medium launched this week to very mixed results. Generated images with people are especially horrific.

Stability AI, a fading name in the increasingly crowded generative AI space, released Stable Diffusion 3 Medium this week, calling it “our most sophisticated image generation model to date.” However, real-world users are finding more terror than sophistication, with the text-to-image model consistently producing Lovecraftian monsters.

Stability AI continues, promising a model “Delivers images with exceptional detail, color, and lighting, enabling photorealistic outputs as well as high-quality outputs in flexible styles,” with improved performance concerning “common pitfalls of other models, such as realism in hands and faces…”from the r/StableDiffusion subreddit asks, “Is this release supposed to be a joke?” suggesting that Stability AI has thoroughly missed the mark in its latest release.

I’m wondering why don’t you post some real images by released SD3? Not by the model that wasn’t lobotomised and is kept inside.However, although some results are awful, users on both Reddit and X have noted that SD3M performs pretty well with text, which has long been aNearly all AI models, as improved as they are, fall short at times for various reasons, but users report that the issues go far beyond a few cherry-picked examples.


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