AI, IoT have potential to transform PH economy

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Artificial intelligence and the internet of things have the potential to transform the Philippine economy, according to an executive of US software company Couchbase.

“The Philippines is on the right track, but a unified data platform is essential for simplified management, improved accessibility and better analytics,” Yuan said. “Breaking down barriers between different data types and sources will provide a holistic view of operations, customer behavior and market opportunities. This comprehensive insight is critical for informed decisions that drive growth, efficiency and innovation.

“Our partnership with a mobile healthcare provider demonstrates how IoT improves access to treatment in rural areas,” Yuan said. “Remote diagnosis through IoT reduces the need for long and expensive trips to urban centers, while allowing medical professionals in rural areas to collaborate with colleagues in better-resourced facilities.”

“Ensuring fast and always-available IoT applications in the public sector is crucial, especially where seconds count and downtime can disrupt essential services like healthcare,” Yuan said.


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