A Taiwanese psychiatrist shares his concerns about sex tech in Taiwan.

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A Taiwanese psychiatrist shares his concerns about AI’s impact on the future of intimacy.

Virtual lovers, AI-generated beauty images, and implications for sexual fantasy and crime are reviewed.By James Shih-Han Lai, a former attending psychiatrist at Cathay General Hospital

Nearly 70% of people who have interacted with a virtual lover reported their experience as"very positive" or"positive," and over 90% said they would continue to use it. The most immediate concern is likely"aesthetic fatigue," impacting perceptions of real-world partners. Another concern is that since AI can easily fulfill users', will this lead to"appropriate release" , or instead fuel sexual fantasies andgroup, AI-Generated Beauty Image Club, and posting numerous posts that have received substantial responses, my concerns have been confirmed through the feedback and comments of"netizens.

However, the reality is that research can never keep up with the “evolution” speed of AI, and laws and regulations can never catch up with the “application” speed of AI. Taking ChatGPT as an example, current research is almost all still at GPT-3.5 but GPT-4, which has far superior functions and power, has long been widely used . As for laws and regulations, the European Union's"artificial intelligence law" was only reached last year, and it will not be fully effective until 2026.


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