What’s The One Obstacle That Could Slow AI’s Rapid Advancement?

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Jay Bhatty News

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Jay Bhatty is the CEO and founder of NatGasHub.com. Read Jay Bhatty's full executive profile here.

AI is the future. It’s what we read in the news, talk about in meetings and outline in strategic plans.can be achieved in the next five years. Narrow AI can accomplish specific tasks, such as summarizing written content or identifying bugs in code, while full AI would be capable of performing a wide range of intellectual tasks at the same level humans can. For example, full AI would have the ability to pass the bar or medical licensing exam without human intervention.

The sobering reality is that the U.S. may struggle to source enough electricity to keep up with the AI rush. At this year’s CERAWeek, an annual global energy conference attended by tech and business executives, energy leaders and government officials, this was the central topic of conversation. Compounding the problem is the tech industry’s concurrent push to use clean energy sources and reduce their carbon footprint.of the event, former U.S.

Renewables, such as solar and wind, are the cleanest energy sources but face significant logistical and financial challenges. Solar or wind farms can take over a decade to build, due to permitting and construction timelines. When farms are completed, they need thousands of miles of new high-voltage transmission lines to carry the electricity from rural areas to high-demand, high-population cities. Solar and wind are also intermittent energy sources that require backup from large-scale batteries.

• Create incentives to supplement the construction of solar and wind farms and grid-scale battery storage systems.


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